What do you need?

1. Luck is crucial.

2. Need to be physically and mentally fit.

3. To have fun!

4. Persistence is key.

5. Must be willing to experiment and adapt.

6. No family history of mental illness is preferable.

7. Openness to abandoning preconceptions.

8. Experience with out-of-body meditations is beneficial.

9. Willingness to explore deeper meditation states.

10. Experience with higher doses of psychedelics is necessary.

In summary, one must be quite crazy. This does not necessarily mean insane, but simply open to what is to come, regardless of its appearance. Allowing the neurological and psychophysiological regulatory mechanisms that construct reality to temporarily soften and be switched off with some effort. One’s own or inherited notions, limitations, inhibitions, and barriers melt in the environment of reality and thus are no longer present as such… They still exist, but their function and significance are altered in order to cope with reality.

What do we offer?