Establishing of the cupola (sphere) – Open Air Systems

Takes place with open eyes, involving everyday reality. Here, the establishment of the Cupola Open-Air System occurs. A new concept is introduced – the cupola. In ФАЗА 5, we find ourselves deep in the realm of conscious UFO-Werdung (the becoming of the Hyperspace Ultra-Light-Drive Space Ship©ф, HSULDSS©ф). Unconscious experiences have little to no space here. As this state often unfolds in nature (open-air), the following signs indicate the construction of the cupola:

  1. The air is crystal clear.
  2. The sky turns radiant, bright blue, deep.
  3. White, luminous streaks become visible.
  4. An indescribable noise, emanating from everywhere, is audible. We call it Turbo-Jet-Charger-Roar.

Here, reality and actuality navigate each other, as they are, mutually influencing. It is a state of genuine reality from the standpoint of everyday reality.


  • Demanding and laborious task.
  • Need a lot of energy, clarity, serenity, lucidity … perfect set and setting … barycentric coordinates etc.
  • Final outcome is challenging, fascinating and furious … euphoric curious …

This is a state of general reality from the perspective of everyday reality (actuality). What arises, what is created with open eyes is the cupola, while what arises with closed eyes has already been described and will be further elucidated in the ФАЗА 6.

A cupola is often described in the psychonautical reports of each of the ФАЗА-e. The cupola is a structure that is created in connection with the level of UFO-Werdung (The becoming of the Hyperspace Ultra-Light-Drive Space Ship©ф), which merges with everyday reality. This connection suggests a parallel to the shamanic experiences of the Castaneda types. Here and there, everyday actuality and psychonautic reality are interwoven.

The following must be noted with the ФАЗА 5:

  1. The dome is relatively complex and strenuous to create, energy-consuming. Therefore, ФАЗА 5 is something for group work with preparation.
  2. It is also important to make sure that the shape of the landscape fits. Areas that are too spacious or too narrow in the landscape are not easy to manage from an energy perspective. The former disparage accumulation and the latter disparage openness.
  3. In the ФАЗА 5, to produce an open-air system, a practiced, deliberate and skillful handling of what we call creation, universe, reality, self, etc. is essential. The attempts to go through ФАЗА 5 without referring to the spiritual background and character development have failed miserably.

Your Hyperspaceboarding©ф Crew
