We refer to ФАЗА 4 as a capsule, though some may recognize it as a luminous egg, as described by Carlos Castaneda through Don Juan, or by other names.

The capsule is NOT seen as something that separates but rather as a gentle means of communication.


To embark on the journey towards UFO-Werdung, a Psychonaut must master deep meditation techniques, which necessitate consistent practice. Various exercises can be enhanced with supportive tools or equipment, such as crystal meditations or specific frequencies.

During the out-of-body experiences that occur when a seasoned Psychonaut delves deep into meditation, one traverses ФАЗА 1-3. Throughout these journeys, the capsule-like structure forms and evolves. Central to this structure is the steering capability, particularly honed in ФАЗА 3. Steering becomes feasible through subtle micro-movements, such as finger motions, during these out-of-body explorations.

Once the capsule structure matures sufficiently, one gains access to the control mechanisms of the navigation phase. The Psychonaut operates within this capsule as a steering entity, concurrently existing in a deep meditative state during the out-of-body experience. This state embodies a harmonious blend of profound meditative stillness and expansive intergalactic engagement.


The capsule is conceptualized as a structure composed of delicate “energy fibers,” referred to as the capsule tissue. This tissue evolves during journeys across ФАЗА 1-3. Near-death experiences often act as significant catalysts for this tissue’s growth, a phenomenon observed frequently, particularly among emerging psychonauts.

Viewed in this context, the capsule can be perceived as an advancement or culmination of the starboard concept. However, a pivotal distinction arises: in out-of-body experiences, it’s not the traveling consciousness that directs the steering but rather the physical body, manifesting in the conscious form of the capsule.

The awakening of the capsule is triggered by impactful events, such as the collision of worlds or realities. Prior to this awakening, one may exist in capsule form without consciously acknowledging it.

The awakening process is jarring, often accompanied by electric shocks and a thunderous sound reminiscent of lightning in close proximity. It feels as though the protective barrier that encapsulates one’s being is ruptured, forcefully pulling one out of the deepest trance in a manner both agonizing and abrupt.

  • The dock into the reality can be both – very stressful, like whole-body + brain electroshocks (don’t be afraid, it’s not deadly!), or a smooth transition.
  • If the connection with the capsule is severed, the consciousness of the Psychonaut is typically drawn into the flow of the universe, ФАЗА 1. This transition is often accompanied by the release of high endorphin doses and can thus be quite pleasant. As a result of this shift, we once again become observers.