At times, while under the influence of a high dose of psychedelics, we find ourselves reacting to a psychotropic event without much time or space to contemplate its nature, purpose, or destination. Suddenly, we find ourselves in unfamiliar territory, unsure of how we arrived there. As events unfold, after a series of bewildering occurrences, we gradually become aware of steering possibilities. 

Navigating this plane is a novel and challenging endeavor, primarily due to the complexities of steering systems. How can one possibly control the psychedelic drive, especially at such elevated doses of psychedelics?

Here, psychonauts become attuned to steering mechanisms and, under specific circumstances, activate them. This isn’t merely about the influence of the set and setting, nor about external events or internal meditative prompts from everyday reality.

You embark on a journey catalyzed by entheogens, shaped by inner predispositions, and framed by external conditions. Within this uniquely constructed psychotropic realm, we recognize steering possibilities for the first time. It transcends merely experiencing (ФАЗА 1) or communicating (ФАЗА 2).

Meditators, even without the aid of psychotropic substances, understand the sensation of out-of-body experiences. In such states, you’re fully conscious, having seemingly left your physical form behind, almost forgetting its location. Consequently, you’re often disoriented, uncertain of your surroundings or the unfolding events.

Without a clear understanding of the circumstances leading to your displacement, you suddenly find yourself elsewhere, delving into the realm of psychotropics. In moments of out-of-body experiences, discomfort might arise. Suddenly you press a “STAND-BY button” to let a psychotropic mischief whiz past, an opening mechanism to unlock a bolt, a control to steer past the collisions or linger on a beautiful alien platform. In doing so, we actively influence and steer these psychotropic occurrences.



  • Embarking on ФАЗА 3 essentially marks the inception of UFO-Werdung (becoming of Hyperspace Ultra-Light-Drive Space Ship©ф) Mastering steering systems becomes a pivotal moment, necessitating consistent practice to achieve proficiency. It’s crucial that ФАЗА 3 unfolds at high doses, often referred to as psychedelic or heroic dosages, of entheogens.


    The initial attempts at steering are unexpected and often surprising, primarily due to a lack of psychotropic education. Rarely is the first endeavor to steer consciously recognized as such. The crux lies in understanding the act of steering itself: What does it entail? What exactly is being steered? How does one navigate a psychedelic drive? Such inquiries unveil numerous unknowns within ФАЗА 3. Complexities with multiple variables inherently pose challenges.

    It’s essential to highlight that certain areas and states within ФАЗА 3 recur consistently. When identified, we categorize these recognized states and areas as the primary components of a navigation plan. Preliminary efforts are underway to conceptualize this navigation plan, facilitating its creation by others. Each hyperspace navigator creates their unique navigation plan & strategy. The intricacies, composition, and appearance of such a plan resist complete translation into everyday reality and consciousness.

    These foundational elements mark the genesis of an intricate steering system that evolves, matures, and gains clarity over time, necessitating regular maintenance. Prolonged intervals of neglect, risk diminishing the vital insights gained and their significance in shaping broader, global events.

    ФАЗА 3 fundamentally represents the onset of what’s termed here as UFO-Werdung (the emergence of the Hyperspace Ultra-Light-Drive Space Ship©ф). Upon recognizing the steering mechanisms and formalizing the navigation plan, they become actionable tools. Psychonauts gradually acclimate to alternative realities, integrating them into their daily lives.

    In essence, what emerges is what we term a “starboard.” This steering board encapsulates an individual’s essence, blending conscious and subconscious facets, tailored to one’s unique temperament, inclinations, needs, and orientations. For instance, an explorer archetype would have an exploration-centric board, while a mystic might possess a magical board. Such individuals need not journey aboard a giant pan-galactic freighter.

    Establishing the starboard, executing effective steering, and assembling a multifaceted navigation plan necessitate a hyperspace navigator to engage in:

    1. navigating meditative states,
    2. mastering specific breathing and self-regulation techniques (with an emphasis on maintaining calmness and self-control),
    3. gaining profound insights into oneself and the surrounding universe,
    4. cultivating intense curiosity,
    5. honing self-reflective abilities,
    6. adopting a grounded, preferably empirical-scientific, approach to interpreting experiences,
    7. and utilizing comparable essential tools.