This is where communication takes place.

At times, when under the influence of entheogens, one might pose a question out of mere curiosity. Yet, invariably, within an expanded state of consciousness induced by psychotropics, answers often emerge.

However, a drawback of ФАЗА 2 is that these responses aren’t always straightforward to decipher, particularly when navigating the turbulence of a psychotropic experience.

Here, consciousness adjusts to absorb, understand, and reproduce questions and answers. This marks the beginning of a communication unfamiliar to most of us, neither commonplace nor recognizable. Communication often starts subtly, perhaps with a question answered from an unexpected source, evolving somewhat independently. Questions grow more intricate, and answers follow. The deeper one delves into an expanded state of consciousness, the quicker these exchanges occur.

As an inquisitive character, a psychonaut begins to see themselves as a unique participant in the journey. This fresh perspective contrasts with the self-centered viewpoint of everyday reality.

During ФАЗА 2, the psychonaut often feels like a representative of the whole, of the collective experience. These interactions differ from mere internal monologues. In such interactions, unexpected pauses might arise, the conversation might take unforeseen turns, or debates might ignite. The conversational counterparts distinctly feel like extraterrestrial entities, not merely internal voices.


Hyperspaceboarding crew comment:

    • The ФАЗА 2 plane of shamanic experience and existence involves actions, responses, acts, responsibilities, and more.

  • A psychonautic shaman begins to perceive (to SEE) the holistic concept of the universe. It transcends mere description and simple recounting of the experience. It represents a new perspective, akin to a phase shift in perception.
  • The shaman comprehends everyday reality through the holistic lens of psychotropics.

During the experience, the psychonaut begins to perceive themselves as a distinct entity. This sense of individuality differs from everyday life. Rather than focusing solely on “me, myself, and I,” they recognize their interconnected origins and start to perceive reality more authentically.

Through the psychotropic ability to communicate, one can interpret everyday reality according to the holistic concept of existence. ФАЗА 2 is thus the level where most healers/shamans reside.

Often, upon returning to everyday reality, one may forget the entities, their responses, or the entire communication process. The reasons for this may lie in discrepancies with our daily experiences. Such communication might be relegated to the unconscious, possibly to shield oneself from the disintegration of reality. This level of communication can occur within psychotropics without leaving discernible traces of awareness in daily life.

Through this communication, individuals using psychotropics begin to perceive themselves as distinct components of the collective whole. Recognizing oneself through these communicative techniques markedly contrasts with the typical separation felt in daily life. In the former, there’s a sense of unity. Only by feeling interconnected with everything can one tap into alternative realities of hyperspace and facilitate communication.

This underscores why the transfer of information might not immediately register as communication—it’s essentially an exchange of information. Such exchanges frequently occur between realities devoid of substantial personal input, unlike conventional communication. This process operates on multiple dimensions of human existence, extending beyond typical linguistic and auditory realms.

A psychonautic shaman perceives the universe’s intricate design, viewing it not merely as an account of an experience but as a transformative perspective of ФАЗА 2.