Psychonaut is flowing through the universe. Usual state of psychodelic experience. At this plane Psychonaut can perceive (SEE) different Realities:

  • from the past
  • from the future
  • about the broaden reality
  • about the worlds
  • about the Entities (Aliens)
  • about the gods

In this kind of psychedelic experience, one finds oneself more or less as a passenger, often landing in a reality depending on the conditions of the set and setting, which, like any reality, is filled with actualities (stories, worlds, events, characters, etc.). This level, where lasting interaction with the experienced is rare, is referred to as ФАЗА 1. Here, various events from the past, future, realities, worlds, entities, gods, and more can be observed, absorbed, and experienced.

Psychonauts, akin to shamans, often refer to these realities as “the worlds.” There are well-described and less well-described realities/worlds. Psychonautic reports and literature frequently mention five to nine different worlds. Individuals typically assume the role of an observer and explorer, thus not actively participating in the experience itself.

The stories and experiences of ФАЗА 1 are still heavily influenced by the components of everyday reality, such as our religious beliefs, worldview, technical understanding, cultural, and moral influences, etc.

Action possibilities are limited, constrained by the lingering nuances of everyday life.



  • Mostly passive state of experience.
  • Possibilities and course of action are limited.
  • The perceived (SEEN) Realities are colored by everyday actuality (religion, ideology, world-view, technical view…).

You can visit these worlds more or less passively during ФАЗА 1.

  • This means that everyday reality has not completely dissolved. It is still more significant than the comprehensive experience.
  • Everyday consciousness does not yet find a corresponding position in the expanded consciousness. You don’t know exactly what to do with your freedom, and you stick to what you know.
  • Many people change their lifestyle: meditation, healthy eating, closeness to nature, and a more conscious life are often the consequences.